01. this is an 18+ , mutual exclusive blog for scotty from the evil dead. NOTE : i took a break from tumblr & rp ( writing in general honestly ) for a bit so please be patient with me while i remember and figure things out again !02. as stated above , this is an 18+ blog so if you’re a minor please don’t follow. i will only be interacting with those over the age of 18.03. i can be real slow with replies at times , so please try to have a little patience with me !04. it should also be known that i have pretty bad anxiety and approaching people first isn’t something i do often as it usually causes me to go into panic mode ( it’s something i’m trying to work on getting better at though ! ). so if i follow you but haven’t messaged to potentially plot or anything , please know that i do 100% want to write with you but am probably just having an internal struggle :/ NOTE : it is completely fine if you want to message first to plot something out or just to talk ooc though ( my discord is available to any mutual that wants to chat ) !05. i don’t have any triggers i need tagged. any triggers that come up on this blog will be tagged as “___ tw”. That being said , this blog will contain the following : gore , death , blood , body horror, all the horror related stuff06. in terms of formatting , i don’t mind what anyone uses as long as there’s no massive gifs. i use small font with double spacing and usually a small icon but if anyone has a problem with that and needs me to use regular sized font , let me know !07. and finally , about scotty ! this blog is heavily headcanon based and canon divergent ( because well . . . boy died in the first movie so i’d also like to explore all the different things that could’ve happened to him after the cabin otherwise ). there isn’t much told about scotty or his background and so most of this blog is made up of my own headcanon that i’ve created for him. i will also be using harrison ford as scotty’s faceclaim as there isn’t enough resources of richard demanincor. if anyone has any questions about scotty in general or how i portray him feel free to ask at anytime , i’m always excited to talk about my boy !

thanks for reading through the rules , have a great day ! <3


FULL NAME. scott cadell ( pronounced : kuh-dell )
NICKNAME. scotty
BIRTHDAY. april 15th
AGE. 20 – mid 30s but this is verse dependent ( his age during the cabin events is 24 )
GENDER. male
SPECIES. human
BIRTHPLACE. michigan
CURRENT RESIDENCE. verse dependent
OCCUPATION. verse dependent
EYE COLOR. ocean blue
HAIR COLOR. walnut brown
HEIGHT. 6'0"
SCARS. tbd
ptsd ( post-cabin ) , nightmare disorder ( post-cabin )

POSITIVE TRAITS. adaptable , assertive , candid , curious , dauntless , leader , resourceful , tactile , venturesome
NEGATIVE TRAITS. blunt , cantankerous , competitive , egocentric , imprudent , meddlesome , opinionated , tactless , vain
LIKES. sports ( specifically baseball ) , partying , camping , pranks , drama , jokes , road trips , history
DISLIKES. cheryl williams , crying , deadlines , traffic , rom coms , boredom , being told what to do
HABITS. talks during movies , arguing for the sake of arguing ( always ready to argue or fight ) , physically affectionate


his wiki bio can be found here for now

